Sunday, July 3, 2011

Warm Welcome!

I am adjusting to Liberia pretty well. Jetlag has been alright and I have been able to sleep a decent amount. I think the main thing to adjust to is the heat. It's a lot cooler than at home, but it is a lot more humid and I am in it 24/7. I have not spent a ton of time with the kiddos, but the time that I have spent with them has been precious. On Friday night we went to Fatu's Orphanage for football/games and a movie. It was the first time meeting the kids. The welcome was pretty incredible. They ran towards the truck as we were pulling up. I think the excitement was a mix of seeing popcorn in the back seat, knowing that we were going to watch a movie, and them thinking I was someone else. It was rather amusing, but they eventually accepted the fact that I was new. At first it was pretty difficult to understand what they were saying, but after awhile it became a little bit easier. The kids were playing kickball and enjoying themselves then it started to rain. So we all headed inside where a screen was set up to watch a movie. The movie was about basketball and all the kids followed along with every shot. Even the little two year old sitting in my lap cheered with everyone throughout the movie. It was really fun. This weekend I have been able to get some rest. I went to church this morning, and it was pretty incredible how just a couple hundred people can be so much louder than a couple thousand back at home. I really enjoyed worshipping alongside all the Liberians. The sermon was on discipleship and was from Matthew 4 and the fishers of men. On the way to church the Liberian President drove by and on the way home she went by again. Apparently it was just a normal thing, and besides pulling off the road nothing really special happened. I was just thinking about how different things are here. It has been interesting living without running water or electricity. We have a generator that runs for a few hours every night so we can charge things and have internet for a bit. We carry buckets in to flush the toilet, and we shower outside under a barrel that is filled with water when the generator comes on. The thing is here that is a lot to have. Many people don't have even these things. As far as prayer is concerned please pray that God will reveal His plans that He has for me while I am here, and also pray that I will remain healthy. The main concern is malaria. It is rainy season here and it seems like it is really rainy all the time and if it is not rainy then it is still really humid and this attracts the mosquitos. The bites are not nearly as bad as the ones back home, but the fear of malaria is great. But all of that is in God's hands. I am posting pictures to facebook. It is really hard to upload them here because it takes so much time. Thanks you so much for your prayers and support!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Hannah Enjoying your pictures of the kids, your in my prayers and thoughts. Love you!
    Grandma Jenny!!
